Bag in box, creativity and innovation

Fixedtop nace en 2019 con la finalidad de innovar y crear alternativas de calidad dentro del mundo del bag in box. Mejorando su funcionamiento, reforzando su imagen e intentando hacer de este formato de envase, un formato de calidad. Para ello trabajamos con un formato de bag in box premium y desarrollamos accesorios que hacen el bag in box más atractivo para el consumidor final.

Bag in box, creativity and innovation

Fixed Top was established in 2019 with the aim of innovating and creating quality alternatives within the world of bag in box. Improving its operation, reinforcing its image and trying to make this container format a quality format, attractive to the final consumer.

What is the bag in box?

The Bag in Box is a way of packaging for liquids formed, in the classic format, by a plastic bag and a cardboard box. It is usually used to package wine, oil, vermouth, juices or water, among others. The main advantage of Bag in Box over other types of packaging are:


  • It does not allow light to fall on the packed liquid, keeping its characteristics intact from the moment the bag is filled. 
  • No oxygen enters the inside, protecting the liquid from oxidation, making it last longer in good condition. 
  • It allows us to save space thanks to the fact that the packaging is smaller than others such as glass bottles, taking up less space despite having the same volume.

What is the bag in box?

The Bag in Box is a way of packaging for liquids formed, in the classic format, by a plastic bag and a cardboard box. It is usually used to package wine, oil, vermouth, juices or water, among others. The main advantage of Bag in Box over other types of packaging are:


  • It does not allow light to fall on the packed liquid, keeping its characteristics intact from the moment the bag is filled. 
  • No oxygen enters the inside, protecting the liquid from oxidation, making it last longer in good condition. 
  • It allows us to save space thanks to the fact that the packaging is smaller than others such as glass bottles, taking up less space despite having the same volume.

Our products

Our products


We offer solutions for the classic Bag-in-box. If you are concerned about the presentation of your brand, now you will have no limits. In addition, we will advise you at all times and will show you the best options for your product.

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Hands-free Tap

“Hands-free” device for Bag-in-box with Vitop tap. It allows to activate the tap and collect the liquid, using only one hand, by pressing on the lever of the device with a glass.

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We offer solutions for the classic Bag-in-box. If you are concerned about the presentation of your brand, now you will have no limits. In addition, we will advise you at all times and will show you the best options for your product.


“Hands-free” device for Bag-in-box with Vitop tap. It allows to activate the tap and collect the liquid, using only one hand, by pressing on the lever of the device with a glass.

Liquid sectors 

Descubre todos los sectores en los que puedes hacer uso de nuestro bag in box premium

Baginbox para aceite
Baginbox para vino
Baginbox para aceite
Baginbox para Zumos
Baginbox para vino
Baginbox para licores
Baginbox para refrescos
Baginbox para vino
Baginbox para Sopas
Baginbox para Sopas


At Fixed Top we respect and care for the environment, so that future generations can enjoy the planet as we know it.

Cada acción cuenta, por ello todos nuestros productos se componen de un 70% de plásticos recuperados. Además, siempre ofrecemos la posibilidad de fabricar en plástico biodegradable.

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