E-commerce is a booming sector and we are increasingly resorting to buying on platforms such as Amazon, Alibaba or Ebay, among others. The wide variety of products they offer, the convenience of shopping from home and the speed of their delivery services make us tempted to use our credit card and make our purchases through this channel.
For this reason, at Fixed Top we wanted to also be present in this channel and we have launched the sale of our Hands-free Tap device for bag-in-box with Vitop tap in all the Amazon’s European stores. Presented in the different languages of each store and in their local currency where the Euro does not work, consumers of bag-in-box products who purchase their Hands-free Tap through this virtual store will receive it within one or very few days thanks to Amazon Prime fulfillment services.
From the beginning we had the objective of selling our products in Europe and around the world and Amazon has shown to be the fastest way to do it with a very low expansion cost. In addition, the platform offers its associated vendors extensive advice and a range of auxiliary services to help comply with legal obligations in terms of taxes and existing regulations in each country. If the experience goes well, we don’t hesitate to lean on them again to bring Hands-free Tap to America or the Far East.
Here are the links that will take you to the Hands-free Tap page in the different European Amazon stores:
- Spain: www.amazon.es/dp/B0BS1RRQRC?ref=myi_title_dp
- France: www.amazon.fr/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp
- UK: www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp&th=1
- Germany: www.amazon.de/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp
- Italy: www.amazon.it/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp
- Belgium: www.amazon.com.be/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp
- Netherlands: www.amazon.nl/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp
- Sweden: www.amazon.se/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp
- Poland: www.amazon.pl/dp/B0BS1PTGYV?ref=myi_title_dp&th=1
Now you can buy yours!