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Der er flere overbevisende grunde til, at en producent skal udvide deres katalog med bag-in-box (BiB) formatet. Økonomiske, image- og formålsdrevne motiver er ofte det, der driver succesfulde iværksættere til at tage springet. Er du klar over det?

Disse argumenter vil demonstrere, at tilbyde dine produkter i bag-in-box er en klog beslutning:

Besparelser og øget effektivitet i produktionsprocesserne forbundet med bag-in-box (BiB) formatet

  1. Lavere transportomkostninger: På grund af dets lettere og mere kompakte design i forhold til glasflasker er transport af BiB mere omkostningseffektivt. Det kræver mindre opbevaringsplads, og flere enheder kan lastes på en lastbil, hvilket reducerer logistikomkostninger.
  2. Reducerede opbevaringsomkostninger: BiB optager mindre plads på hylderne og i lageret sammenlignet med glasflasker. Dette kan muliggøre bedre udnyttelse af lagerpladsen og dermed reducere omkostningerne forbundet med leje eller ejerskab af opbevaringsfaciliteter.
  3. Forbedret effektivitet på produktionslinjen: Emballering af produkter i BiB-format kan være hurtigere og mere effektivt sammenlignet med at fylde glasflasker. Fyldnings- og forseglingsprocessen af BiB kan automatiseres og kræver mindre manuel håndtering, hvilket forbedrer effektiviteten og produktiviteten på produktionslinjen.

Konkurrenceevne: En overbevisende grund til at beslutte at sælge dine produkter i bag-in-box

BiB tilbyder et konkurrencedygtigt alternativ til traditionel emballage som flasker eller TetraPaks samt nyere emballagetyper som dåser. Det er særligt attraktivt i brancher som vinindustrien, hvor BiB har vundet popularitet på grund af bekvemmelighed, lavere vægt og evnen til at bevare vinkvaliteten i længere tid.

Ved at tilbyde produkter i BiB-format kan producenter differentiere sig på markedet og fange opmærksomheden fra forbrugere, der søger praktiske og kvalitetsorienterede løsninger. I øjeblikket er der en trend med 1,5 liters bag-in-boxe til premiumvin i Europa.

Øget indtjening ved at tilbyde dine produkter i bag-in-box

Ifølge flere rapporter oplever BiB-markedet betydelig vækst. En undersøgelse fra Grand View Research viser, at det globale BiB-marked vil nå 4,8 milliarder dollars inden 2025. Ved at lancere deres tilbud i BiB-format har producenterne mulighed for at udnytte denne vækst og øge deres indtjening ved at udvide deres katalog med nye emballagemuligheder.

Ud over statistikkerne, der støtter væksten på BiB-markedet, er det vigtigt at tage hensyn til forbrugernes accept. Der er en ændring i præferencerne hen imod mere bæredygtig og praktisk emballage, hvilket støtter brugen af bag-in-box. Og når det kommer til bekvemmelighed og komfort, kan vi ikke ignorere tilbehør, der forbedrer begge dele, som f.eks. HandsFree Tap, den håndfri enhed, der gør oplevelsen af at servere produkter i bag-in-box mere tilgængelig og tilfredsstillende. Har du prøvet det endnu? Vi kan tilpasse denne enhed til dig.

Kan du forestille dig, hvad dine kunder ville sige, når de modtager den sammen med deres BiB ved deres næste køb?


EN –

Selling your products in bag-in-box: savings, competitiveness, and growth

There are still companies that have not considered offering their products in bag-in-box. They have doubts about how well such a launch would be received in the market. They are concerned about their image, return on investment, and the change that comes with taking this step.

But there are many reasons to commit to sustainability, make an effort to align with consumer demands, and embrace the new times. Bag-in-box is not what it used to be, so why should your company remain anchored in the past?


3 reasons to sell your products in bag-in-box

There are several compelling reasons for a producer to expand their catalog with the bag-in-box (BiB) format. Economic, image, and purpose motivations are often what drive successful entrepreneurs to take the plunge. Are you clear about it? These arguments will demonstrate that offering your products in bag-in-box is a wise decision:

Cost savings and increased efficiency in the production processes associated with the bag-in-box (BiB) format

  1. Lower transportation costs: Due to its lighter and more compact design compared to glass bottles, transporting BiB is more cost-effective. It requires less storage space, and more units can be loaded onto a truck, reducing logistics expenses.
  2. Reduced storage expenses: BiB takes up less space on shelves and in the warehouse compared to glass bottles. This can allow for better utilization of storage space and, therefore, reduce costs associated with renting or owning storage facilities.
  3. Improved production line efficiency: Packaging products in the BiB format can be faster and more efficient compared to filling glass bottles. The filling and sealing process of BiB can be automated and requires less manual handling, enhancing efficiency and productivity on the production line.


A compelling reason to decide to sell your products in bag-in-box BiB offers a competitive alternative to traditional packaging such as bottles or TetraPaks, as well as newer packaging types like cans.

It is particularly attractive in industries like the wine industry, where BiB has gained popularity due to its convenience, lighter weight, and ability to maintain wine quality for longer periods. By offering products in BiB, producers can differentiate themselves in the market and capture the attention of consumers seeking practical and high-quality solutions.

Currently, 1.5L bag-in-boxes for premium wine are trending in Europe.

Increased revenue by offering your products in bag-in-box

According to several reports, the BiB market is experiencing significant growth. A study by Grand View Research projects that the global BiB market will reach $4.8 billion by 2025. By launching their offerings in BiB, producers have the opportunity to capitalize on this growth and increase their revenue by expanding their catalog with new packaging options.

In addition to the statistics supporting the growth of the BiB market, it is important to consider its acceptance among consumers. There is a shift in preferences towards more sustainable and practical packaging, which supports the adoption of bag-in-box.

And when it comes to convenience and comfort, we cannot ignore accessories that enhance both, such as the HandsFree Tap, the hands-free device that makes the experience of serving products in bag-in-box more accessible and satisfying. Have you tried it yet? We can customize this device for you. Can you imagine what your customers would say when they receive it along with their BiB in their next purchase?

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